How to access mesh options in ansys 15
How to access mesh options in ansys 15

how to access mesh options in ansys 15

To prove it out I searched my hard drive for old *.DB files and found one from 2001. I’ll resist the temptation to get into the details and save that for a future posting where we can dig deep. This is key to understanding how using an mesh in Mechanical works. Any angle greater than the tolerance treats the edge between facets as an edge on a face. Any facets that have an angle less than the tolerance angle are considered to be on the same face. The way the mesh geometry import works is that it takes the external faces of your mesh and treats them as facets. However, the most important option is the tolerance angle. There are a slew of options to copy, translate, change units, etc. It works through an External Model system in the Workbench project page. Yipidee yapidee dooooooo daaaa!!!! That gets a leap for joy gif: Most things in ANSYS Mechanical work on geometry and if you just have a mesh, and no geometry, there area not a lot of options. But there are often situations where you have a legacy model or a mesh from another source that you want to use. For most problems this is fine, you have a CAD model, you mesh it, and you move on. A fundamental limitation of ANSYS Mechanical from the beginning was the requirement that you had to have a valid BREP geometry that can be correctly meshed in ANSYS Mechanical. This is by far the most far-reaching enhancement in R15.

how to access mesh options in ansys 15

Later this week or next week we will do the same for ANSYS Mechanical APDL, and we will cover solver changes that impact ANSYS Mechanical there as well. This posting will focus on features in ANSYS Mechanical that are unique to ANSYS Mechanical. There are a ton of new features and we will try and cover most of them in the coming months, but these are the ones we felt every user should know about. R15 is being released in stages to the user community this week so we thought we would take some time to point out ten features in R15 of ANSYS Mechanical that we find useful, important, or just plain cool. It’s that time of year again, time for a new release of ANSYS, Inc’s products.

How to access mesh options in ansys 15